Health Education helps the people to make right decision on health matter towards promotion / protection of their own health collectively or individually. Lake of knowledge, indifferent attitude towards health, unwillingness to change undesirable health habits as well as unwillingness to follow the simple rules of health for healthful living is quite common in our community.

For extensive and intensive Health Education Programmes and to find out the causes of the unfavorable attitude about health, attempt should be made to select and develop an area which should be a model in nature in view of the social standard of the community, their culture, tradition, behavior, economic condition as compare to other areas of the country. The purpose is to help the people to identify their health problems, understand the causes of these problems and find out ways and means to solve these problems. This can be done through community participation, dissemination of health information in the community and organizing the community to take action by them. Such programme will help to identify the best and most effective approaches based on results of health education input and shall also enable to set standard for educational materials and methods, which may be used in other areas. The area may be developed to use it as demonstration area of health education activities.


General objective of the model village:

To develop an area to serve as model area for application of health education approaches with various methods and tools of health education so as to enable the people of that area to solve their health problems by their own action and efforts and to use that area as demonstration area of health education.


Geographic location and numbers

The model villages established in all 64 districts of Bangladesh and covering 128 villages. Each district contains 2 model villages. These model villages disseminate 11 health related key information among the mass people with 33 BCC indicators. With the experience gathered, this activity has a plan to expand more in future


The Campaign Plan (proposed by BHE):


Approaches Activity Target Audience Method
Community Mobilization Select Volunteers (1 for every 20 HHs) Villagers Selection
Develop awareness among the mother’s group with a special focus on lactating mother and pregnant women All Mothers and pregnant women Community meeting
Awareness raise among the mass villagers on Water and Sanitation, environment, emerging and reemerging diseases etc Villagers Advocacy
Organize rally on different day observation/celebration Villagers Public gathering
Capacity Building Provide orientation /training to the village volunteers on DM, ARI, PHC, MCH, FP, Nutrition, Sanitation and other communicable and non communicable diseases Village Volunteers Training
Provide training on basic counseling among the village volunteers as well as the appropriate government staff.


Village Volunteers Training
Counseling/Group Discussion Among married couple (both new and old) Married couples IPC
Among pregnant women and lactating mothers Mothers IPC
Among the adolescent group on personal hygiene, physical and mental change etc Adolescent boys and girls IPC
School Health Education Health education session at primary school School children
Coordinate with the little doctor initiatives at primary schools Selected children’s (i.e. little doctors) and teachers IPC
Community Clinic Outdoor health education session at community clinic Patients IPC